'No More Pets' goes on Tour!

'No More Pets' joined the celebrations of World Book Week by visiting schools to promote a love of reading for pleasure.

First stop, Vaughan Primary, where I taught for 21 years and what a welcome! An assembly for Years 3 & 4 and then a whistle-stop tour of Year 6 and then Year 1. We ran out of time but I have since been back to visit Year 5. Book signings and reunions with both staff and pupils made for a wonderful afternoon.

Next day saw 'No More Pets' taking the train to Hampstead to St. Anthony's Boys Prep School where the pupils and staff were all dressed up as Book characters. There was an enthusiastic reception by the children to the assembly and book signings rounded off the morning.

Friday was a busy day in Hillingdon for No More Pets. First visit was Field End Junior School with a presentation to Years 3 & 4 and a guided tour of their reading bus.

In the afternoon, up the road to Whiteheath Infant School where 'No More Pets' was promoted in Reception, Year 1 & 2 followed by a Meet the Author for parents and childrenat the end of the day.

'No More Pets' was given a warm welcome at all the schools visited and an enthusiastic reaction from staff and pupils alike.

Let's hope that these visits are a springboard for children to be inspired to read for pleasure and encouragement to write too!

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