Chorleywood Primary School Visit

On November 30th I had the pleasure of visiting Chorleywood Primary School in Hertfordshire. I had been invited to go and talk about 'being an author' and present the book.

Imagine my surprise when (luckily) I researched Betsy Griffin the day before, I found she was a pupil at the school.  I was so happy to include her in my assembly - what a brave and inspiring young girl she is.

What a lovely welcome I received and as the pupils came into assembly, some of them were clutching their copies of No More Pets.

I was so overwhelmed but soon got into my stride (being an ex-teacher) and a fantastic time was had by all. After assembly there was a queue of pupils waiting to purchase the book and also those who wanted their copies signed.

Thank you to Chorleywood Primary School and all the staff and pupils who made my day!

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